Sunday, August 30, 2009

Arrr, This be pleasin´ to me eye.

HAHAHA, I just changed my facebook from Spanish to English(pirate). This is the most hilarious thing in the entire world!! You should do it too, it is very entertaining.


  1. I just did it too, and that is quite funny. When I tried to show it to my roommate though, he's like "dude, that's like 3 years old." Apparently California is more on top of this sort of thing than Washington.

  2. Me alegro de que estén disfrutándose tanto de sus adventuras! Cómo va todo con conversar en espaNol? Sé que puede ser dificil al principio! Estoy pensando en Uds. y anticipo mucho sus próximas escrituras y fotos!
    -Sra. M. : )

  3. Tja, hur vore det om du översatte den helt på svenska...
