Monday, August 17, 2009

Seven Days!

I know it's cliche to write about "how fast time seems to go" or "how it seems like only yesterday we were graduating and still had MONTHS left before our trip", but here we are only a week out. Wow.

I've picked up all my ridiculously expensive meds for malaria, altitude sickness and typhoid and started packing my single carry on. We still have [ Yoni's birthday/orphanage fundrasier/bon voyage for college ] party next Saturday (EVERYONE IS INVITED, it's at Yoni's house at 6:30PM) to plan for. AS WELL AS my employer. The Hands On Children's Museum is hosting "Sand in the City" giving me a 30+ hour work week with. Although I have been looking forward to all of these events individually, this will be quite a week!

So now the real countdown begins; we need to make sure we've packed the right shoes and adequate underwear, that we have all the donations for the orphanage neatly organized and ready to travel and that we have all the correct paperwork. It's impossible to describe how excited I am and I want to thank everyone for the support you've given Yoni and I!