Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hanne Lives!!! The tacos wern´t so lucky.

For those who were worried, Hanne is now most of the way better. She is still a little tired a lot of the time, up she is up and moving now.

However, after having not eaten anything more then instant oatmeal for 3 days, she has been perpetualy hungy for the last couple days. And not just hungry for anything: she wanted tacos. Unfortunatly, we a living with a host mom who is a bit of a control freak, especialy when it comes to household things, like laundry and cooking (today she used an imperative command when telling that I would drink her soymilk). This means that getting tacos to hanne was a large chalange. Finaly, when our host mom wasn´t home, we went to the store, bought tacoish ingredients, and ate the tacos as a picnick at the bull fight.


  1. Tacos that sounds great. I am so glad Hanne is gaining some appertite. /Hakan

  2. I just haveing Pablo next to me and he suggest that the two of you go to and see the artist Guayasamin and you can buy replicas at Mercado norte en la 6 de diciembre street
