Thursday, September 17, 2009

Yoni and Hanne (don`t) go rafting

Last night we were made an increidble offer to go rafting this morning through our hostal via our door man. We would leave the hosta at 9, go for a half day rafting trip including lunch and be back around 2 for only $25 a person. However, by some fluke we decided not to take the deal, but to bum around Baños instead and go to the zoo.

Good thing too.

As you can see, we took some picture of a beautiful canyon with a lovely river running through it. Turns out the baños in Baños all run directly into the local water source, and you could sure smell it. We will never know if the rafting rivers would be quick as murky, but rafting in Baños has lost much of it´s appeal now after our little sight seeing.

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